<p>Minetest 5.5.0 has rolled out with a switch from Irrlicht to their own fork of the rendering engine IrrlichtMt specifically designed to include enhancements specifically for Minetest. What is Minetest? It's an open-source voxel game engine, that can be modified to make different games, including Minecraft.
<p>There's quite a number of modifications, apart from rendering technology evolving. Here are some highlights:
<p>Improved support for TTF fonts Touch UI support for desktop builds - Joystick sensitivity for player movement - Links clickable in chat, deactivated by default - Normal texture support (for minimap shading) Animations are paused while game is paused . - Modpacks that contain modpacks are properly handled in the content downloader - Many new features for modders - Performance improvements and bug fixes - Add a button to toggle display map block boundaries (F8 by default)
<p>Find out more information on the official website. Flathub makes it easy to install.
</p> https://lessontoday.com/profile/pikekorean9/activity/2245846/

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