Can’t Understand Women


Howdy Richard,

My problem is actually that I can’t understand women. I understand what they say (usually), I just don’t understand what they want and why they do things.

A girl that I met on the internet, I am trying to arrange a date, but she always cancels it or is busy.

I also dated a woman once, and after a month she just became histeric, without anything noticable that I said.

Is there any “dictionary” to understand women? I know that everyone says that women and men have a different language and that’s why it’s so hard to understand. Also women say that they can’t understand women.

But why does this happebn? Because hey, we still speak the same language. Where does the difference come from?


Can't Understand Women


Hello Prince,

You ask a great question, and I believe it deserves more than just a simple answer. I promise to write a whole post about it.

Basically, the reason for men and women not understanding each other, is because we See The World Differently. You have other desires and goals than women.

The basic step towards understanding women is looking at the world from a woman’s eyes. I know it sounds very philophical and theoretic, but that’s important to understand.

For example, let’s say a girl comes to your apartment, and resists to having sex with you. If you just look from your eyes, you might say: “What doesn’t she want to have sex? We will both enjoy and have fun”. However, if you try to understand the woman, you can see that for her, sex is something much more serious than it is for you.

So the answer is, try to see the world from a female prospective. It will help you understand women.

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