I think I'll be able to answer it by enlapinixg the horrible one liners presented by other answerers before me. The bottom line is that they do not believe in property rights. A more elaborate discussion: So you want them to be able to discriminate, right? What I want them to do has nothing to do with what the should do or should be aloud to do. I want them to hand over free internet to my house, all the time, whenever I want, and I want it to be the fastest. Should they do that? They make choices regarding what they should prioritize from their business model, what is best for their company, and their own moral convictions. Since it is THEIR company, they can discriminate how they please, just as banks and insurance companies should be allowed to run risk management on their clients. If you don't like it ..go to another provider.This leads to the next point. Because it's not  their  networks. Why don't we just had it all over to the government? Because we believe in property rights in America? Because were brought up on a capitalistic model and know it is right here in america?The bottom line is that supporters of this have forgotten the definition of rights all together. Internet has become such a common tool, provided to us by the providers, that they take it as self evident. They don't recognize the work. They dont recognize the companies that needed to be founded and dedicated to providing us with service as a means to their survival. As a means to their livelyhood and happiness (This is the right to the pursuit of happiness in the Declaration of Indepedence). They see the use of a service, which is only existing due to the work of the providers, as a right. They demand equal treatment to something that is voluntarily made by others. They don't recognize that what someone makes or provides is theres to do what they wish (as long as they do not violate the other). Would not providing at all be a crime? The supporters of this bill would say yes, because they obviously don't believe that what providers provide is there own.  It is a severe confusion of what is existing always verse what is made by the work of others. It is a total denial of property rights and of rights all together. http://wbtrbemact.com [url=http://ieyesuudah.com]ieyesuudah[/url] [link=http://xlomxme.com]xlomxme[/link]

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