<p>Above is a Piet Mondrian painting from the 20th century's early Dutch painter. Mondrian is one of the founders of abstract art along with cubism. His inspiring paintings, like the one above, continue to be examined by budding artists and historians to this day as his minimalist art works marked an important turning point in the art world. The question that many connoisseurs of art began to ask was, "How much can be expressed in a small amount of details?" rather than, "How much detail can be conveyed?" Mondrian was probably a tireless worker making sure he used the right shades of blue, yellow, and red and that he picked the right squares to paint with the given colors so that gallery visitors would be overwhelmed with wonder and amazement as they interpreted the emotions that he had expressed on the canvas. The sample shows that Mondrian was an absolute master of his art.
<p>Wait no, the picture above isn't a famous Mondrian piece it was created by a computer in less than an second, using a program I spent an hour and an hour and a half writing the other day. Here are a few additional examples:
<p>There are 100 more. Here's a different set of Bach music in a video I created because I wanted to. In fact, I could even write a program that automates making videos like this. I'd only require 10 lines of code.
<p>Computer Generated Art
<p>It wouldn't be difficult to find someone who believes these paintings are genuine Mondrian paintings. All you need is someone who can claim that they hold an Ph.D. who speaks with authority and has a large vocabulary. It's likely that you'd have a harder job finding skeptics than believers these days. In fact, you might be able to meet people with actual PhDs to participate. I remember watching a video or reading articles. He explained that he would show an image on the projector on the first day of class and tell students that it was a painting by Mondrian. After giving his students time to analyze the painting, he would let them express the emotions and ideas that they felt the artist was trying convey. After giving his students time to think, and allowing a few of them to speak, he would pull out his smock to reveal to his students that the image that he was trying to analyze was not actually a painting. It was actually a picture of his dirty socks.
<p>I'm not sure what lesson the professor wanted students to take away from this, but the main lesson I got from it was that you can convince just about anyone that anything is art. This is something I've spoken about in the past. Artists are becoming obsolete. It took me less than two hours to write an application that could produce more Mondrian imitations in a few minutes than Mondrian himself could have done in his lifetime. While no one has invented an oil painting robot yet however it's only a matter of time until some random professor decides to use the taxpayer dollars he was given to create one.
<p>Computer-generated art isn't the future. It's now. Minecraft is the most played video game and while it is still actively being developed it barely employs any artists because the bulk of Minecraft's beautification of its visuals is accomplished by an algorithm. There exist entire Reddit threads that show off the beautiful "naturally generated landscapes" of Minecraft. They are looking at art that was created by computers rather than a human. Minecraft isn't the only game similar to this. A number of video game designers have abandoned the concept of level design and map making and instead let computers take care of it for them, often creating a completely unique world for each individual player to explore.
<p>This is not something that the fine art community has yet to accept. A lot of them consider the work of Mondrian and the png files that my program creates as sacred. (I wonder what Mondrian would think about my program). Their culture, indeed their entire system, is not equipped to handle the future that is already in the making. https://1pg.org/ Computer-generated images, worlds and people are already in existence, it is only a matter of time before we can have high-quality computer generated film and music. It's not difficult to imagine that the entire entertainment industry could be dominated by a handful of AI-savvy individuals. The majority of people don't care because they don't know the difference between an actual Mondrian painting or an unintentional collage created by a computer.

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