Great, then you won’t mind if we take turns with your girlfriend. No judging now. And remember, 
 Tim says:
May 17, 2011 at 8:53 pm
Wow. I totally agree. I can’t say I don’t also have facets of a M/W complex, but I think a part of it is that I really can’t stand that women or men being extremely sexual in a way that minimizes the rest of their personality is so celebrated in Western culture. In NZ, where Durex studies show we have women with some of the highest numbers of sexual partners in a lifetime, I’ve always disliked that the hook-up culture actively promotes an avoidance of trying to properly understand the person you’re trying to sleep with.

I was talking to this girl on the train the other day, and at one point it came up that she was a stripper. Now, a couple of years back I would have immediately judged her and probably very obviously communicated this, even if I didn’t actively say something. However, I felt with the connection we’d shared and how I now understood her more holistically as a person, that her being a stripper wasn’t a big deal. We talked about her job and though I’m not a fan of strip clubs, it was really interesting to discuss her job, the lifestyle it provided her with, and where she wanted to go with it.

After our conversation I felt like I’d really learnt something from her and just that experience. This post and your comment really reinforces that. Thanks man.

 Paul says:
May 18, 2011 at 5:17 am
Yes! Go Mark!

 modernguy says:
May 17, 2011 at 8:28 pm
Hello dude, if your “girlfriend” is banging other dudes you’re a chump. Maybe instead of castrating yourself trying to “accept” that your little angel liked to blow the football team you should grow a pair and accept that people want seemingly conflicting things and double standards exist in the world. Men want virgins that are sluts for them, just like women want the dominant guy that all the other girls want, but they want him to be exclusive to her and treat her well. Its the nature of the game. If you want to lower your standards and take risks for sluts, go ahead, but don’t make a virtue out of it.

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