Betta fish, or betta splendens (their scientific name), are part of a big group of fish, frequently referred to as Siamese fighting fish.  There are a variety of alternate color and fin varieties available, and you can even get different sized bettas.  Bettas are a unique type of fish called a labyrinth fish.  Bettas are aggressive fish, and very brutal actions have earned them the name Siamese fighting fish.  Therefore, they tend to be kept apart from other fish.

With the exception of their big fins that make them look big, betta fish are usually pretty small.  Bettas usually  only grow to be about 3 inches long and ½ an inch thick.  The normal markings of a betta fish is green and brown, though many bettas grow to be full of bright colors like blue, red, yellow and many more.  These colors are the results of years of selective breeding.  All betta fish have flowy fins that are pretty small, but due to selective breeding some bettas feature bigger spread out  fins.  [url= Discover More]

Males should not be kept in the same home.  They will fight one another all the time while they're together.  The same is true for male and female betta fish.  If you are not breeding betta fish, then you shouldn't keep opposite sex betta fish with one another.  The solitary exception, is female betta fish.  You can house a group of of female bettas with each other, this is typically  known as a betta sorority.  Including fish tank decorations, caves, live aquatic plants and some other spots to hide should them get along well.  However, bettas can be kept in the same tank as other varieties of tropical fish.  There are some other things to think about as well as compatibility, the fish also have to have the same water parameters.

Siamese fighting fish are carnivorous.  Bettas have upturned mouths and typically feed on the waters surface.  Mosquito and other insect larvae provides most of their diet in the wild.  If you can get your betta fish to eat them, betta specific food pellets are an easy and cheap choice.  Betta flakes and pellets are a combination of shrimp, shrimp meal, grains and mosquito larvae.  Bettas really love freeze dried or frozen glassworms and shrimp too.

The betta has a very unique breeding technique.  The male starts the event by spreading his fins and flaring his gills.  If the male betta is able to impress the female, she will darken in color.  Next, the male betta will construct a nest made out of bubbles right at the waters surface.  The female betta fish will then drop her eggs in the bubble nest who then fertilizes them.  The male will swim around carefully collecting the in his mouth and put them gently into the bubble nest.  The fertilized eggs will stay in the nest of bubbles while they hatch and can swim on their own.

Betta fish are a tenacious fish, and if cared for properly, will become as old as six years or more.  As with any living animal, you need to provide them with an appropriate fish tank and food.  Whether you are just starting out, or you have owned fish for decades, bettas will definitely add some pleasure to your life.

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