by cj on 2005 May 30 - 14:49 | reply to this comment service-oriented submission What is service-oriented submission?

by a Taken In Hand reader on 2005 Jun 20 - 22:34 | reply to this comment too good My wife was spanked frequently by her father as a young girl. She was raised in a Southern Baptist family with strong moral principles. The spankings were done over the knee, with pants both up and down, and administered with a ruler. She has very bitter memories of these spankings, yet she loved her daddy and respected him. When I have brought up the topic of discipline spankings in our relationship my wife insists she doesn't want them. Is it possible to introduce spankings into our relationship or is it too tied to my wife's religious upbringing and the feelings of guilt and shame associated with it? described exactly what I am feeling. Over the years I have had to run a household, work, and be a mom to my two sons. I became very independent and vowed that I would never remarry again. Well..never say never. I did remarry in October of 2003 to a wonderful man. I feel comfortable with him in our marraige that I choose to be submissive. Opening up and being vulnerable was very hard for me at first. Learning to trust and let go was a huge step for me. I can honestly say that we have a wonderful marriage. One in which I let him lead and I willingly submit to his leadership in our home. Never thought this would be possible, but I am a very happy and contented woman. We sound very much alike. If you would care to converse/change email addresses let me know. Thanks for you comments..


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