I like the PUA detoxing part. It seem to me that this is what most of the PUA institutes where I live teach their students. In some cases, these beliefs can actually be dangerous. For example, one of the things they teach (judging by their online materials) is that a woman never knows what she wants, so you shouldn’t listen to her when she says no. This approach led to what seem like a classic date rape in one of the “success stories” forums. The story was followed by a lot of “good job, bro!” comments and one or two half-hearted comments that were concerned by the legal implications of what happened (not by the girl’s safety, mind you), and another comment from the institute’s owner who said their lawyer approved everything or something like that.

In the feminist/PUA rage that followed the publication of this story, many men pointed out that dating advice is important, and that the local PUA centers are the only ones to provide it. I think it is a valid point, and while there are a lot of crap beliefs in the seduction community, there is some good solid advice as well. This is why I am here. I figured that saying pick up is BAD BAD BAD is not going to work as a feminist strategy, so I’m planning on pointing my readers to sane pick up resources (like this one), and providing some feminist commentary where I think it might be useful.

So thumbs up, Mark :)

Jon May 27, 2011 at 5:23 pm · Reply That’s pretty shocking. I take it from your blog that you are talking about Israel? Was there actual press coverage of this incident over there?

hilanoga May 28, 2011 at 7:19 am · Reply Yes, there was a television news report about it, and articles in most big news sites, as well as posts all over the blogsphere.


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