If you’re not looking for a serious boyfriend to settle down with, well, it must be said that the rooms of recovery are FULL of men. They outnumber the women there 5 to 1, by my rough estimate. A great many of them are just as frisky as you could want a man to be, and have learned to hook up without the need for alcohol as a social lubricant. DO NOT expect them to behave like nice, boyfriend-type guys and you could potentially have fun.

In college I met a really cute guy at a Mensa party I attended with a friend who was a member. The cute smart guy took me on a very nice date but I was too silly, at age 20, to take him seriously, so I let him wander off.

Kat Wilder says:
February 12, 2010 at 3:26 pm
New blog posting, How I met your mother — or a hookup –

 brian says:
February 13, 2010 at 7:44 am
My last day at Club Med Moorea in the 80′s
Her first day on a layover
Flight attendant for Air France
Every fantasy in one in paradise
Japanese and me with a thing for all of Asia and Japan in particular
Lived in Paris
Should have mounted a crusade to pursue her but didn’t
Take another week?
Fly her back to Cali?
Follow her to Paris?
Still have her stylish card somewhere
Stiny black background with engraved silver letters

 amy says:
February 14, 2010 at 2:02 pm
i met my ex while he was playing a gig at a cafe in downtown cincinnati. i was out with a friend from graduate school and her (now ex-) husband, and though i wanted to go to a bar next door, they insisted we go to the coffehouse/bar/used bookstore/jazz club/general hipster hangout where my ex played bass on weekends.
we were sitting near the band and, when they took a break i went up to the bar ostensibly to get a much-needed sixth rolling rock, but really to chat up a cute guy i had my eye on. instead, the bass player walked up to me (he claims i walked up to him). i said, “i really enjoy bowed bass in a jazz setting,” and the rest is history…

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