Linkage is Good for You: You’re Not Going to Read This Headline So Why Should I Make an Effort Edition (NSFW) on September 19, 2010 10:22 am
[…] Virgle Kent – “What Should She Wear?” […]

In Mala Fide on February 23, 2011 6:15 pm
Linkage is Good for You: You’re Not Going to Read This Headline So Why Should I Make an Effort Edition…

M.m. – “The Awkward Years“, “Why Not to be Nice” Raliv – “Dear Twilight Fan Girls“, “Drinking or Studying? Drink, You Bitches.” Eric Disco – “Instant Sexual Vibe on Your First Date…

Kortney Khov on September 15, 2011 4:03 pm
Hi, Wonderful job! This is my first time i visit here. I discovered so numerous fascinating stuff in your weblog.

A couple of comments including O-face and more than a handful of e mails have requested I put up more posts and go in depth on fashion including style, clothing, etc on what to wear. I try and shy away from the topic because like game or working out it’s all a matter of personal taste and preference. But from the information and requests I’ve been getting it seems that it doesn’t come as easy to some as it does to others. Even among my close personal friends. So I just wanted to mention that I will be doing a couple more posts on fashion and now and then giving more tips on what to wear and semi gay stuff like that. I know there will be some bitching about this but as usual I’ll stick by my VK blog rules if you don’t like what I write about you can always eat a Mexican dick.

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