Saggy skin after pregnancy any suoitseggns?I just want to ask for opinions can I use anti-wrinkle facial products on my tummy? I've heard some women use them to help tighten the skin on their bellies. I am only 5 weeks post delivery and I can't start exercising yet until next week. This is my second child my first child is already 5 years old. The skin on my belly, even after my first child, never firmed up even after doing a lot of exercise. I want to have an aid in firming/toning up my abdominal muscles again, and the wrinkly skin too. I would also like some suoitseggns if there are products that can be used aside from anti-wrinkle facial products. I don't want to just try any product that I can google as alot of them are scams. I would really appreciate any suoitseggns. Thank you! [url=]jcpzimiwyh[/url] [link=]yvayha[/link]
Hi Holly-I yo yo between a 14 and 12<a href=""> mltsoy</a> a 12. I would like to at least make it to a size 6 and then a 4 if I make it that far.  I am a stay at home mom and I am constantly doing things as far as cleaning up and down 3 floors and chasing 3 children.  After doing this all day I seem so mentally and physically exhausted that all I want to do is relax with a book or movie, answer email, or just go to bed.  There are days I get motivated to work out and I actually do it for a week or two, but then I become so sore and for days be sore that I get lazy and dont want to feel that pain anymore.  I do want to have more energy to keep up with my kids because it is turning into a chore and I am not enjoying it like I should be.  I do like to meat, veges, eggs, yogart, salmon and crab legs.  I do think I need to cut out eating bread.  I love to drink milk and water.  I do have a problem with drinking on the weekend a little to much. I like rum and diet coke or diet 7up. Any advice for me?? I need some help somewhere.

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