Jack Goes Forth on February 22, 2009 10:24 pm
pancake boobies…. haha. Who hasn’t run into those every few weeks or so?

Umm on February 24, 2009 12:30 pm
hahaha. oh my god i totally missed that he had a boner in that photo! good for him i guess…

Except that he doesn’t, of course. It’s his left thigh. Sheesh…

goldenseed on February 24, 2009 6:35 pm
i commend you sir…

goldenseed on February 24, 2009 6:46 pm
spot on regarding Reverse Whiskey dick. I agree with Realist that it often leads to epic performances. in my experience the same principle can apply when stoned, in many cases more intensely. My stony mind focuses so intently on her body, the visual stimulation gets me rock hard and big… but I can’t feel anything and cant come for hours (if at all). i have a myopic focus on performance and zen like commitment to destroying that pussy. I am Zeus-like in this state. Another dick type: Weed Dick? or perhaps it’s better classified as a sub-type of RWD.

After turning 28 in October, I’ve managed to go this whole time without doing it. Then this past weekend I fell off the wagon. I got intoxicated and made out with a girl in a club. Don’t get me wrong, making out with a hot girl at a club isn’t the worst thing that can happen to me, I mean it’s not as bad as getting drunk then getting my junk stuck in a mouse trap after sticking it in a glory hole…. again. I just think that there are certain activities a guy should try and not do as he gets older in life. That and I don’t like a room full of strangers knowing my bidness (that’s business for those of you who’ve never done time in county lock up,((involving the mouse trap/ truck stop incident)).

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