People fall in love for the darndest reasons, but common wisdom suggests opposites attract. You get with someone because they have strengths to balance your weaknesses. Over time, though, you might gain those strengths for yourself and start resenting those very things in your partner.
I dated a woman who was compassionate beyond belief. I loved her for that. She showed me a way of life I didn’t really know. But as I learned to give more from my heart, I started to feel emotionally crowded in her presence. The amount of her caring was always bigger than mine, even when it came to my kids, and it didn’t feel there was enough space for my compassion to grow. If I made a mistake, for instance if I reacted too selfishly to some situation, she was quick to show me how to be selfless. When we broke up, I was forced to nurture a giving heart on my own. I made mistakes, but I learned from them. That’s evolution. The relationship helped me grow and give more compassionately. That’s success.
To all those divorced people who are taking a good hard look at themselves, gaining awarenesses and growing in ways that could only come from going it solo, I say “well done!”
And to those married people who continually resent their spouse, despise their life, stopped evolving, and maybe even considering a discreet affair – you might consider you’re the one with the failed marriage.

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